Tips & Tricks: Three Keys to Unlock End-User Success

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March 27, 2023

Tips & Tricks: Three Keys to Unlock End-User Success

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But for those of you still on your quest, fear not! We’re here to help you along with three little-known tricks that can be utilized for end-user success.

Tip #1: Use the hidden collapse view (Kanban, Plan views)

When should you use it? For those projects with a multitude of tasks—or too many task groups—that raise visualization or organization concerns.

Our latest release saw the advent of expand/collapse functionality, allowing you to collapse task groups and/or projects in the Plan view:

This was an oft-requested feature and it’s been awesome to see so many of our users engage with it right off the bat within the Plan view. But did you know you can also expand or collapse within the Kanban view, either in status or via task group?

If not, here’s a quick review of how to do it: Kanban is made up of a series of list view status columns or swim lanes, which are customized to every organization. Individual users can decide whether to collapse or hide certain columns by clicking the double arrow as shown below:

If you want to utilize the feature via task groups, first things first: Make sure the Task Group Mode toggle is on. You can then click on the arrows to the left of the task group name to expand or collapse via that task group.

Tip #2: Add criteria-based columns to Plan and Spreadsheet views

Try this when you need to update and sort task information via certain criteria in a quick fashion.

When adding in the Plan view, users can individually add columns based on various criteria. Click on the gear cog as shown below and add any additional fields. Once selected, these columns will surface with information per task.

In the Spreadsheet view, you can add any number of fields that will remain static based on your modifications. You can also use this view for bulk updates of task stalks by selecting multiple cells to update several cells simultaneously. You even have an ‘undo’ option within this view and you can also select multiple rows at once to bulk delete. Talk about easy, right?

Tip #3: Know your Kanban visualization icons

When you need a top-level overview of different information within a task without having to click into a task card, this feature is a real standout.

Kanban provides a fantastic view for end-users as they can efficiently complete tasks and see their status via the status-based swim lanes. But even better is that you can see what kinds of information are held within the task without having to click into anything!

The icons with red arrows shown above will be highlighted in different colors when there is content of that type within the task. Now, let’s decode these, working from left to right:

  • Checklists: A blue number indicates the number of open checklist items still needed for completion. A green checkmark indicates that all checklist items have been completed for this particular task.
  • Files: Blue indicates a file has been attached to this task.
  • Chatter: If highlighted, it indicates chatter activity has occurred on this task.
  • Quick Add-Time: You can add time against the task or use our timer feature via the timer tab.

If you need more info, all you have to do is click on any of these icons, and they will take you directly to the activity tab within the task card.

As you can see, the wonderful world of TaskRray provides myriad ways to help end-users surface information in the way that is best suited to their needs. As you continue your task-based journey, please consider some of these options whenever you want to “level up” your task completion game.

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