This year’s campaign for International Women’s Day is #BalanceforBetter, which acknowledges that a gender-balanced world is a better world.
At TaskRay, we are proud to have a female founder and CEO. We are also proud to have a team made up of 50% women and 50% men—all of whom work hard to support each other’s success.
In the last year, the women of TaskRay took the main stage at Dreamforce 2018, Pulse Europe 2018, and a number of other high profile events. These stage presences were nerve-racking, challenging, exhilarating, and illustrative of the shift towards better representation for women across the tech world.
Outside of the TaskRay walls, we’re excited to now see female CEOs of major corporations like Pepsi Co. (Indra Nooyi), Lockheed Martin (Marillyn Hewson), and ORACLE (Safra Catz), among others. We’re happy to see more women serving on corporate boards, and to now have 121 women serving in the 116th Congress. We’re also proud sponsors and attendees of the Witness Success events and emphatically support the women who are driving change across our industry.
“I believe our focus on balance at TaskRay provides us all with a better perspective and truly creates a better working world.” — Blakely Graham, TaskRay Co-Founder, CEO, Salesforce MVP
We applaud the strong women around the world today as they take on leadership roles from which they were previously excluded. We also applaud the quiet bravery of women who take on the roles that aren’t broadcasted on the news—the colleagues who challenge our thinking, support our customers, and push us to do better work each day.
The theme of #BalanceForBetter is true everyday at TaskRay as we celebrate and support every member of our team—regardless of gender—because we know it takes a village to build anything worthwhile.
So today we say a huge THANK YOU to the women in our workplace, to our customers, friends, families, and all those working towards creating a better and more balanced working world. We can’t wait to see what 2019 holds.
To learn more about International Women’s Day, please visit:
To learn more about TaskRay’s core values, please visit:
To learn more about Witness Success, please visit:
To learn more about the Salesforce Equality movement, please visit: